Agilox OCF Dynamic safety field

Switch safety field for different load automatically

Dynamic Safety Field Switching

With the Dynamic Safety Field Switching, different load carriers can be transported on the same vehicle. The Dynamic Safety Field Switching is done between a large, a small and an unoccupied protective field. The smallest protective field must be at least >= 1400.
A Dynamic Safety Field Switching is only possible for floor stations. For a Dynamic Safety Field Switching at elevated stations or during rack servicing, a corresponding floor station must be defined and approached. When picking up the load, the load carrier is checked with a protective field before and after the load is lifted. This determines whether there is a large or a small load carrier on the station and the protective field is selected accordingly. If there is a small load carrier on the station, the system switches to the small protective field. In addition, the entire map and thus the route calculation is adapted to the respective protective field and the dimensions of the path are reduced. If there is a large load carrier on the station, the system switches to the large protective field.

Dynamic Safety Field Switching is available from PLC version 12.3.xx and Safety version 12.2.xx or for UL vehicles from PLC version 13.1.xx and Safety version 13.1.xx.

A special protective field set is required for Dynamic Safety Field Switching.