EasyPalletizer – a mobile and compact palletizer
EasyPalletizer is a compact palletizer, designed for the purpose of making palletizing easy and mobile inside a factory.
It is built upon the popular industrialized design and function in which all EasyRobotics products are recognized for stable and robust designs.
If you want a COMPLETE solution built on EasyPalletizer,
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EasyPalletizer can be equipped with robot arm from several manufacturers as well as fixed pedestal with 835 and 1200 mm height.
The compact palletizer from EasyRobotics consists of a Europallet sized consoles and internal compartment for; robot controller, cables, hosts and pedestal.
Robotic palletizing system for your business
The EasyPalletizer is designed robust with 300 KG of total weight without robot and lifter mounted. Each side of the product consists of a docking system for pallets that measure the placement of the pallets.
The palletizing is a term used in the industrial language; it is a process of arranging products on pallets in a specific order. As technology is advancing, more often we see the use of robotics palletizers in the packaging field. The industrial robots are used to avoid repetitiveness of workload and support in moving heavy elements. The most common thing in an industry that requires to be palletized is cartons and boxes. The use of automation and mechanization has helped in easing out the arrangement of goods on the pallet. It is now more important than ever to have a user-friendly palletizing technology installed on your factory for packaging purposes.
EasyPalletizer is a platform for making palletizing effortless and smooth. It can be equipped with a robot arm that has various useful advantages for the packaging industry. The inclusion of robotics in automation ensures flexibility, reliability, and productivity. The idea is to assist with short product life cycles, the latest packaging designs, different product variants, and batch manufacturing.
EasyPalletizer Functions
- Ethernet RJ45 connector Providing monitoring or access via third-party products, the mobile and compact palletizer from EasyRobotics comes with a small plug-in for an Ethernet cable.
- Push buttons Above each lamp bulk there is located a push button for each side operation, here the installation can be ensuring “reset” function or activate function of the pallet.
- Pallet detection The Palletizer consist of four detection pins on each pallet site which ensure correct docking of pallet before stating palletizing. By the functionality loading stability is ensured as well as a safe operation stabling the components.
- Multipurpose lamps and Ethernet plug At the front of the EasyPalletizer are two I/O connectable multipurpose lamps (with multiple configurable colors).
Palletizer benefits
- Increases the efficiency and quality of packaging at minimal operating costs
- Makes the product more durable and reliable during and post-operation
- Operations can be fully controlled by the operator
- Provides an extensive range of working framework
- Ensures safe movement of boxes
- Fewer risks and work associated injuries
- Helps in redirecting employees to other tasks
EasyPalletizer – the compact palletizer from EasyRobotics changes the dynamic of the work with greater efficiency and effectiveness on all levels, besides making the production more advanced in technology and automation.