Schunk EGU

Flexible universal gripper EGU

Universal gripper EGU

Versatile 2-finger universal gripper for maximum workpiece variety with maximum process robustness.


  • Available in 4 sizes: 50, 60, 70 and 80.
  • You can set the force and program the stroke.
  • There are 2 different grip functions: Normal and strong grip. Strong grip is that you can grip with 150% of the engine’s power.
    Which makes this strong but it’s also more robust. Suitable for all industrial applications, including machine service.
  • URCap is available.

The user has access to the highest level of functionality due to the components embedded in the gripper. This allows the gripper fingers to be pre-positioned at high speed or for dipping into a workpiece holder. The gripping force can be continuously adjusted to the workpiece handling requirement. Workpiece recognition enables full process transparency for the user. In an emergency stop situation, workpiece loss can be avoided due to the integrated gripping force maintenance.

The BasicGrip and StrongGrip gripping modes are available. With BasicGrip continuous operation of the motor and thus permanent re-gripping of the workpiece is possible. The gripping speed is automatically optimized for gripping force adjustment. With StrongGrip, the maximum gripping force is generated and then stored by the gripping force maintenance. Permanent regripping is possible within an adjustable time frame.